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Sam Darling
Jan 16, 20202 min read
Chicken hat
I know it’s early days with my kids being only seven and (nearly) thirteen but so far my girls are confident and I’m proud of that. I...
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Sam Darling
May 6, 20194 min read
An actor’s life for me, crap
I made an off-hand comment to an educator and watched her eyes light up with understanding. In the hopes that it could help some other...
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Sam Darling
May 17, 20181 min read
Body positive
So I’m leaving dance class and an older woman of a certain plush size says to me: “I wanted to quit when I started but I saw how amazing...
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Sam Darling
Dec 30, 20176 min read
A post about my kids but also science and society
[The almost-11 stops her drawing and comes over to me to ask a question.] Mom, can I ask you something? Sure I saw a thing on a a...
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Sam Darling
Dec 12, 20162 min read
Even shoes are political
My eldest has some atypical brain things that make her hilarious and challenging. She’s probably going to be like a friend of mine who...
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Sam Darling
Jan 16, 20153 min read
Big Hero 6 & the Science problem
When a family movie features science and technology I look forward to taking the eldest to see it as much as she looks forward to going...
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Sam Darling
Sep 16, 20146 min read
Walk! Avanti!
Cars are good and useful tools that I enjoy. No one on Earth can parallel park a GMC Suburban in Beverly Hills like I can. And no one...
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Sam Darling
Sep 12, 20141 min read
Children’s clothing, organized!
Did you go back-to-school shopping? Is your child’s room overflowing with clothes and making you crazy? I know, right? I do have one...
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Sam Darling
Jul 4, 20141 min read
The big bedroom
The grocery delivery guy kept staring at our living room in a weird way and finally said, “I just have to say, this is the neatest...
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Sam Darling
Feb 4, 20141 min read
Parenting tip regarding my favorite technology
Wireless headphones can be your new best friend when you become a parent, particularly if you share a small apartment with your children,...
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